Powerful Simplicity

“I didn’t have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote you a long one”Blaise Pascal

It’s simple really – we help make things less complex so they can be more successful. In a world where brands face new challenges and opportunities every day, this often means helping you understand what not to do as well as what to focus on.

By challenging the status quo and refusing to accept existing assumptions, we are able to look at your marketing from a fresh perspective and spot new ways to gain an advantage.

Our starting point is the Powerful Simplicity audit - an insight gathering process where we get under the skin of your brand’s challenges and opportunities.

We then apply over 70 years of creative and strategic know-how to identify ways to do things better.

  • Set clear objectives

  • Examine the brand’s entire marketing landscape

    Legacy, Product, Purpose, Positioning, Audience, Price, Social, Campaign History.

  • Explore the brand in context

    Route to Market, Consumer vs Audience and Competition.

  • Define the real audience and their relationship with the brand

    Who they are and what is their emotional and rational disposition?

  • Define the role of marketing

    What behaviour do we need to influence? How will we do that?

  • Identify the powerfully simple solution

Identify the powerfully simple solution

If Powerful Simplicity sounds interesting to you, drop Chris Dry a line, he’s our CEO and will happily talk to you in more detail.

Get in touch